Saturday, July 17, 2010

kids road bike recommendation

So as seen in a picture in an earlier post, we bought 빛결이 a road bike. There really is a thirst out there for a kids road bike at any price, since they're hard to find in the first place, but especially one that's affordable. The branding is a big strange and we get a lot of questions about it. but if you don't mind the GMC name, we'd like to recommend this one.

As is often the case with 10-ish year-old on road bikes, the lack of adequate hand strength is indeed a bit of a problem. It's hard for her to reach forward that far for that long and hold on that tight to levers that are, having tried them myself, aren't that easy to pull. So I'm considering "interrupter" levers, inexpensive ones of course, and would even if her having to stretch so far forward wasn't a problem.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thorndale Drive, Oakland

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I went down Thorndale from Skyline the other night. This brought back memories of one of the few things I enjoyed during high school. Good stuff.

Monday, July 5, 2010

빛결이랑 철마길 완주

토요일인 3일 딸 빛결이랑 철마길(Iron Horse Trail), Concord에서 Dublin까지 달렸다. 결이는 아빠한테 새로 선물 받은 싸이클을 처음으로 탔는데 아주 마음에 든다고 해서 아빠도 기쁘다. 22마일을 가는 데 4시간 정도 걸렸다. 결이는 종점인 더블린에 너무 늦게 도착하면 집으로 가는 지하철을 놓칠까봐 하도 걱정해서 빨리 다니자고 재촉할 필요가 없었다. 신나는 하루였다.