Monday, December 15, 2008

유빛결양, 오십킬로 달리다

최근 딸과 함께 매년 데이비스에서 하는 Foxy's Fall Century에 다녀왔다. 만 여덟살인 빛결이가 50k 달리는 동안 엉덩이가 약간 아프다고 호소한 것 외에는 불평해 하지 않았다. 오랜만에 딸과 단 둘이 보내는 아주 즐거운 시간이었단. 처음으로 그렇게 먼 거리를 다닌 것을 축하하는 의미로 종점에 있었던 자전거용품 벼룩시장에서 노랑색 자전거 옷(상의)를 사줬다.

Eight year old Sabine does the 50K (actually 32.5 miles) Foxy's Fall Century in Davis.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the homeless man and the bike commuter

From the New York Times Metropolitan Diary section.

New York Times
Published: December 8, 2008

Dear diary,

I bicycle along the East River bike path every morning before dawn. I often see the same homeless people just north of East River Park between the F.D.R. Drive and the river. Since it is usually dark, I never make any contact with them and I assume they are sleeping. They never say a word.

Between some vacation time and needing a break, I recently did not ride for a two-week period. On my first predawn ride after returning, I rode past a man wrapped on a blanket, slumped on a bench.

Just as I was about to pass him, a loud voice boomed out, "Hey man, where you been? I was worried about you."

I said I had been on vacation, and he simply said, "O.K., glad you didn't get hurt."

The next morning I rode past the same person; he said nothing and has said nothing since.

Forest Markowitz